Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aboriginal Art – from the land

During my walk in the black forest, I came across some things that I saw a little differently from what they really were.

As I was taking photos of them I became more aware of the similarity between what I was looking at and some art I had seen hanging in galleries around this country.

I am no guru on aboriginal art, but I think I can perhaps see where some of the ideas come from.
What about you?

To see what I really saw click on the link below.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A walk in the black forest

It is now the season of Gurrung (hot dry weather) in the eyes of the indigenous people who are the original people here.

Yesterday, we went for a short walk through a recently burnt out area of land about an hour’s drive from the city. It was quite a hot day, around 35 degrees C, trying to be dry but not quite succeeding. There was some protection from the sun, as the eucalypt trees had been burnt through at the lower level, but had started their regrowth and provided some shelter. Down at ground level the fire had spared little before it, and small animals must have run for their lives or run into holes in the ground to escape the flames and intense heat.

The plants, however, without the ability to run, or even hide; stood their ground as the flames rushed past, charring their trunks black and incinerating their leaves. Walking through the area, most is black and the remaining fallen leaves on the ground, the ones which were not immediately burnt, crunch underfoot.

But, once the fire passed, it was not long before rehabilitation began.

Lizards and skinks were out and about, searching for food; and the trees and cycads were growing again.

There is beauty in the burnt remains and promise in the regrowth – hope for another season, as both plants and wildlife wait for the cooling rains to continue their growth.

For some more photos, click below
